What about us?

My name is Hannah.

I want to have a good relationship with my colleagues.

I wish my friends weren’t so stubborn.

I want him to appreciate me more.

How can I make her/him care about me more, like she/he used to?

I feel alone.damn

They forgot about me.

Everything seems impossible to be done…



But, Hannah, you know why is that happening, don’t you? Let me remind you.

While you crave other person’s qualities, relatives, friends, lovers, they are acting and you are watching. All this thinking without any action doesn’t solve anything. Your thoughts are like yarns of different colours. You take one colour, grey, then you get the pink one, you think blue would look nice and instead of a product, of a conclusion, you see yourself coming down after your ball of thread in different colours that gets lost and you can’t keep up with it. You feel tired, you’re running after a conclusion that you could simply have it in the first two minutes of contemplating about your options, your priorities. You get lost in time, lost between feelings and eventually, you’ll lose yourself.


In any kind of relationship, you have to consider yourself first. I want a person, but am I a good one? Did I fix what I needed to fix?

Don’t forget, my dear readers, that theory is everywhere, practice isn’t, action isn’t. What I’m writing to you is also theory for others, but we can prove what matters most will come to life, so let’s put it into action.


Things are possible. Take good care of yourself! You’ll find the answers to your questions. We all have a brain, use it in your advantage. šŸ™‚



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